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Politica europeană de securitate şi apărare

 Uniunea Europeană

NOU Agenda europeană privind securitatea pentru perioada 2015-2020 

NOU Realizarea Agendei europene privind securitatea pentru combaterea terorismului(aprilie2016


1.1 Punerea în aplicare a PESC şi a PESA

·         Garantarea securităţii
  • Structuri în domeniul PESC/PESA
  • Capacităţi militare
 Gestionarea militară a crizelor

1.2 Prevenirea conflictelor



3.1    Lista  de Publicaţii(eu  bookshop)
3.2  Lista de Publicatii / (Institutul european pentru studii de securitate )

This new CEPS book analyses the various means by which differentiation is shaped in the realm of EU external action. The contributors offer a kaleidoscopic view of legal constructs and policy aspects of differentiation in EU external action, namely the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and the external dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ).

  • Consiliul Europei

    ·         Warsaw Declaration (2005)
    ·         Warsaw Action Plan (2005)
    ·         Recommendation 1247(1994) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the enlargement of the Council of Europe
    ·         Reply of the Committee of Ministers to this Recommendation adopted at the 529th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies, 20-21 February 1995
    ·         Resolution 1506 (2006) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on External relations of the Council of Europe
    ·         Recommandation 1753 (2006) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on External relations of the Council of Europe
    ·         Reply of the Committee of Ministers to this Recommendation adopted at the 984th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies, 17-18 January 2007
    ·         Annual Reports on the External Relations of the Council of Europe: 2007, 2008, 2009
    ·         Overviews on the External Relations of the Council of Europe: 2007, 2008, 2009
    ·         List of Agreements concluded by the Council of Europe with other international intergovernmental organisations or public international entities
    1.1. Cooperarea Consiliului Europei cu Uniunea Europeană
    ·         Memorandum of Understanding between the Council of Europe and the European Union (2007)
    ·         Council of Europe - European Union: "A sole ambition for the European continent" - Report by Jean-Claude Juncker (2006)
    ·         Compendium of texts governing the relations between the Council of Europe and the European Union (2001)
    ·         Agreement on co-operation between the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe (2008)
      Documente recente
    ·      Overview of arrangements for co-operation between the Council of Europe and the European Union DER (2009)1
    Human rights applied to CSDP operations and missions [Drepturile omului aplicate în cadrul operaţiunilor şi misiunilor PSAC: aderarea UE la CEDO] / European Parlamentary Research Service. - 21.01.2014. - 8 p. 

    1.2. Relaţiile Consiliului Europei cu OSCE
    ·         Declaration on reinforced co-operation between the CoE and the OSCE and Joint Statement signed by the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE and the Chairman of the CoE Committee of Ministers (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005)

    1.3. Relaţiile Consiliului Eiropei cu Naaţiunile Unite 
    ·         Agreement between the Secretariat-General of the Council of Europe and the Secretariat of the United Nations of (1951)
    ·         Arrangement on Co-operation and Liaison between the Secretariats of the United Nations and the Council of Europe (1971)
    ·         Resolution on Co-operation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe (2008)
    ·         Resolution on Co-operation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe (2006)
    ·         Resolution on Observer status for the Council of Europe in the General Assembly (1989)
    ·         Report of the UN Secretary General on co-operation between the United Nations and regional and other organisations (2008)
    ·         Report of the UN Secretary General on co-operation between the United Nations and regional and other organisations (2006)
    ·         Information Document DER/Inf (2010) 6 on implementation of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 63/14 on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe 

     2.  Convenţii şi tratate ale Consiliului Europei:

  • STE 023 Convenţia europeană pentru soluţionarea paşnică a diferendelor - European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes  

3. Adunarea Parlamentară a Consiliului Europei: rezoluţii şi recomandări 

26/01/2011 RES 1784 (2011) The protection of witnesses as a cornerstonefor justice and reconciliation in the Balkans  

24/06/2010 RES 1748 (2010) Flare-up of tension in the Middle East  

29/09/2009 RES 1683 (2009) The war between Georgiaand Russia:one year after  

23/11/2007 RES 1586 (2007) Europe’s response to humanitarian disasters 

04/10/2007 RES 1578 (2007) The concept of preventive war and its consequences for international relations 

19/04/2007 RES 1551 (2007) Fair trial issues in criminal cases concerning espionage or divulging state secrets 

21/11/2006 RES 1524 (2006) The need for a greater transparency in the arms trade 

21/11/2006 RES 1525 (2006) The establishment of a Stability Pact for the South Caucasus 

26/06/2006 REC 1753 (2006) External relations of the Council of Europe 

26/06/2006 RES 1506 (2006) External relations of the Council of Europe 

11/04/2006 REC 1742 (2006) Human rights of members of the armed forces 

23/06/2005 REC 1713 (2005) Democratic oversight of the security sector in member states 

07/10/2004 RES 1402 (2004) The political situation in the Chechen Republic: measures to increase democratic stability in accordance with Council of Europe standards 

07/10/2004 REC 1678 (2004) The political situation in the Chechen Republic: measures to increase democratic stability in accordance with Council of Europe standards 

03/04/2003 RES 1326 (2003) Europe and the war in Iraq 

03/09/2002 REC 1572 (2002) Right to association for members of the professional staff of the armed forces 

25/01/2001 RES 1240 (2001) Conflict in the Chechen Republic – recent developments 

23/01/2001 RES 1237 (2001) Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – recent developments 

25/06/1998 REC 1377 (1998) Humanitarian situation of the Kurdish refugees and displaced persons in South-East Turkey and North Iraq 

28/06/1996 RES 1096 (1996) Measures to dismantle the heritage of former communist totalitarian systems 

10/11/1994 RES 1047 (1994) Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh 

10/11/1994 REC 1251 (1994) Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh 

19/09/1991 DIR 464 (1991) New sovereign republics in Eastern Europe 

24/04/1991 REC 1150 (1991) Situation of the Iraqi Kurdish population and other persecuted minorities 

19/09/1991 REC 1161 (1991) Crisis in the Soviet Union 

28/06/1991 REC 1158 (1991) Security and co-operation in Europe 

27/09/1989 RES 928 (1989) Arms sales and human rights 

06/10/1987 RES 886 (1987) Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 

15/05/1981 RES 750 (1981) Security and co-operation in Europe, General Policy of the Council of Europe 

4. Publicaţii ale Consiliului Europei (disponibile in sala de lectura a Centrului pro-european):
    •  M.1.3/2007 CV Cyberterrorism : the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes / Council of Europe. – Strasbourg, 2007. – 497 p. – ISBN: 9789287162267
    •  M.1.1/2005 AR Gilmore, William, C. L'argent sale : l'évolution des mesures internationales de lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme / Conseil de l'Europe. – Strasbourg, 2005. – 385 p. – ISBN 9287154651 
    • M.1.3/2005 FI The fight against terrorism: Council of Europe standards / Council of Europe. – Strasbourg, 2005. - 533 p. – ISBN: 9287157391
    • M.1.3/2005 ID Identity and travel documents and the fight against terrorism: Recommendation Rec(2005)7 and explanatory memorandum / Council of Europe. – Strasbourg. – 2005. – 27 p. – ISBN: 9287158185.
    • M.9/2008 IN Institutions for the management of ethnopolitical conflicts in central and eastern Europe / Council of Europe. – Strasbourg, 2008. – 275 p. - ISBN 9789287163615
    5. Alte publicaţii:
    • Desirable, but not feasible? : An EU White Paper and the compatibility of the British, French and German security and defence policies:  Paper presented at the ECPR Fifth Pan-European Conference (Porto, 24–26 June 2010). – 14 p.

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